Personal Safety & Social Responsibility Training Course

Safety, environmental awareness, and human relations are of great importance in the maritime industry. The Personal Safety and Social Responsibility Course is a mandatory training under STCW 78 Convention Regulation VI/1, Code A-VI/1, and Table A-VI/1-4. This course covers essential topics such as applying safety regulations at sea, following emergency procedures, developing environmental awareness, and ensuring effective communication on board.

If you want to build a strong foundation for your maritime career, you can enhance your skills with EKOL Maritime’s internationally compliant training program and obtain the required certification.

Who Can Attend?

Anyone required to obtain a Personal Safety and Social Responsibility Certificate under the Seafarers’ Regulation can attend this course. It is one of the fundamental training programs that must be completed before starting work at sea and is mandatory for all personnel serving on ships.

Main Objectives of the Training Program

The Personal Safety and Social Responsibility Training aims to equip trainees with the following competencies:

  • Adhering to emergency procedures
  • Developing awareness of marine pollution prevention
  • Applying safe working practices
  • Enhancing effective communication and interpersonal relations on board
  • Gaining awareness of fatigue management and occupational safety

These skills are essential competencies for anyone working in the maritime industry.

Training Duration

Training Duration

The course lasts 3 days and consists of a total of 18 hours of training.

Training Content

The course features a detailed training program over three days, covering the following core modules:

Day 1: Emergency Procedures and Onboard Role Distribution

  • Potential emergencies (collision, fire, sinking)
  • Emergency response plans and signals
  • Onboard role distribution and duties
  • Use of personal safety equipment

Day 2: Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety

  • International procedures for preventing marine pollution
  • Safe working practices on ships
  • Enclosed space safety and accident prevention methods
  • Occupational health and safety measures

Day 3: Communication, Social Responsibility, and Fatigue Management

  • Effective communication and teamwork onboard
  • Social responsibilities and ethical rules in work relationships
  • Fatigue management and stress factors in maritime

Assessment and Certification

At the end of the course, an official exam is conducted under the Seafarer Training Courses Regulation.

  • Trainees who score 60 points or higher are considered successful.
  • Successful trainees are awarded a “Course Completion Certificate” by EKOL Maritime.
  • With this certificate, they can obtain the Personnel Safety and Social Responsibility Certificate issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
Why Ekol Maritime?
  • Training in compliance with international and national standards (STCW, SOLAS, MARPOL)
  • Practical training opportunities (fire and lifesaving drills at the maritime safety practice center)
  • Expert instructor team in the maritime field
  • Large trainee capacity (420 people) and modern training facilities
  • İŞKUR-approved free employment guidance services

Are you ready to take the next step for your career

Gemi Aşçılığı Eğitimi

Gemi Aşçılığı Eğitimi, gemi mutfağında çalışacak aşçı adaylarının; denizcilik ve gemi aşçılığı alanında ihtiyaç duyulan bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri kazanması amacıyla düzenlenmektedir. Eğitim, MLC 2006 CONVENTION Title-3 Regulation 3.2 ILO CERTIFICATION OF SHIP’S COOK 1946 No: 68 & 69, STCW 78, SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78 ve ilgili ulusal mevzuat (1739 sayılı Millî Eğitim Temel Kanunu, 3308 sayılı Mesleki Eğitim Kanunu, 5580 sayılı Özel Öğretim Kurumları Kanunu vb.) temelinde verilmektedir.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: EKOL Denizcilik

Course Provider URL:

Course Mode: Onsite

Course Workload: PT40H

Duration: PT5H

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