Basic Safety and Security Training Courses

We design our Basic Safety and Security Courses to help professionals in the maritime industry maintain and improve safety standards. Our training programs aim to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills in critical areas such as ensuring personal safety, applying emergency response procedures, and increasing awareness of social responsibility.

The course content is carefully structured, taking into account different types of vessels and operational conditions, ensuring that participants gain up-to-date information and practical competence tailored to industry needs. Our goal is to support safe working environments in the maritime sector, raise awareness of risk management, and contribute to the establishment of responsible behaviors.

Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques 1.19 Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-1
Survival Craft & Rescue Boats 1.23 Section A-VI/2, Table A-VI/2-1
Personal Safety & Social Responsibility 1.21 Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-4
Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (Theoritical & Practical) 1.20 Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-2
Elementary First Aid 1.13 Plus Compendium Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-3
Combined Ship Security Training (Covers Below Given Training) 3.23, 3.26, 3.27 Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-4 / Section A-VI/6, Table A-VI/6-1 / Section A-VI/6, Table A-VI/6-2
Actions to be Taken to Prevent Acts of Piracy and Armed Robbery 3.23 Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-4
Security Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties 3.26 Section A-VI/6, Table A-VI/6-1
Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers 3.27 Section A-VI/6, Table A-VI/6-2

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Gemi Aşçılığı Eğitimi

Gemi Aşçılığı Eğitimi, gemi mutfağında çalışacak aşçı adaylarının; denizcilik ve gemi aşçılığı alanında ihtiyaç duyulan bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri kazanması amacıyla düzenlenmektedir. Eğitim, MLC 2006 CONVENTION Title-3 Regulation 3.2 ILO CERTIFICATION OF SHIP’S COOK 1946 No: 68 & 69, STCW 78, SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78 ve ilgili ulusal mevzuat (1739 sayılı Millî Eğitim Temel Kanunu, 3308 sayılı Mesleki Eğitim Kanunu, 5580 sayılı Özel Öğretim Kurumları Kanunu vb.) temelinde verilmektedir.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: EKOL Denizcilik

Course Provider URL:

Course Mode: Onsite

Course Workload: PT40H

Duration: PT5H

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