Ordinary Seaman (OS) Training

Ordinary Seaman (OS) Training

The Ordinary Seaman (OS) Training program provides candidates with comprehensive knowledge and skills in ship life, navigation procedures, helm operations, emergency response, and other fundamental maritime topics. This program delivers both theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for handling various situations encountered on board, in compliance with international maritime standards (STCW 78, SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78, etc.) and relevant national regulations. Thus, trainees become proficient in all operational and safety procedures required for a seafaring career.

Who Can Participate?”

Candidates who have at least a high school diploma, are 17 years old or older, and wish to obtain Ordinary Seaman (OS) certification to work on commercial ships are eligible to participate.

The main objectives of the training program

This program aims to equip trainees with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to perform successfully in the seafaring profession.

Steering and Navigation Procedures

  • Learning steering techniques
  • Understanding the English terms for helm commands
  • Maintaining a proper navigation watch by effectively using observation and hearing skills

Deck Equipment and Seamanship Knowledge

  • Identifying deck equipment on ships and understanding their functions
  • Gaining knowledge about duties, tasks, and responsibilities on board

Emergency Management and Life Safety

  • Learning to use emergency equipment
  • Gaining practical experience in fire prevention, firefighting, life-saving appliances, and basic first aid

Social Responsibility and Personal Rights

  • Raising awareness of social responsibility, personal rights, and obligations
  • Developing a positive attitude and values while working on board

Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection

  • Implementing measures to prevent marine pollution
  • Creating a safe working environment on board and in port

Training Duration

Theoretical Training: 29 days (5 weeks + 4 days) × 8 hours = 232 hours

Practical Basic Maritime Safety Training: 3 days × 8 hours = 24 hours

Total Duration: 232 + 24 = 256 hours (Conducted over a total of 32 days)

Training Content

Week 1

Navigation, Seamanship, and Basic Maritime Safety (Personal Safety and Social Responsibility Training)

Week 2

Navigation and Seamanship Practices

Week 3

Basic Maritime Safety (Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Training)

Week 4

Navigation, Communication, and Seamanship Operations

Week 5

Basic Maritime Safety (Life-Saving Appliances and Techniques)

5. Hafta

Temel Deniz Emniyeti (Can Kurtarma Araçları ve Teknikleri)

Week 7

Integrated Ship Security Training

Evaluation and Certification

At the end of the course, candidates are assessed through oral, written, and practical evaluation methods in accordance with the relevant articles specified in the Seafarer Training Courses Regulation.

Candidates who successfully pass the examination are awarded a “Course Completion Certificate.” This certificate officially confirms that the candidate has obtained the seaman qualification and has successfully completed the training program.

Training Materials and Application Standards

Training Materials and Application Standards

During the training, the materials and application standards used are prepared in accordance with the Seafarers’ Training and Examination Directive. The training materials include:

Lecture Notes and Reference Books:

  • STCW 78 Convention, SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78, and relevant national regulations
  • IMO Model Courses (e.g., Model Course 1.13, 1.19, 1.20, 1.21, 1.23)

Application Tools:

  • Simulators, computer-aided training materials, graphics, diagrams, and visual tools
  • Special helm simulation systems, shipyard and vessel visits for on-site application

Additional Training Equipment:

  • Minimum equipment and facilities as specified in the Seafarers’ Training and Examination Directive
  • Videos, images, and ship plans used during training

Why EKOL Maritime?

Long-Term Experience: Serving under the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs, and Communications and the Ministry of National Education since 1997.

Comprehensive Training Method: Providing a broad training perspective by educating numerous seafarers, from Watchkeeping/Engine Officers to Ocean-Going Captains/Chief Engineers.

Practical and Up-to-Date Programs: Offering hands-on training opportunities in compliance with national and international regulations, with realistic training environments at the Beykoz Maritime Security Training Center.

Official Job Placement: Supporting career development with internship ships and a free official job placement service affiliated with İŞKUR.

Expert Instructor Staff: One of Turkey’s largest private maritime training institutions, with 35 expert instructors and a capacity of 420 trainees.

Current and Reliable Training: Keeping training programs continuously updated by closely following national and international developments.


Are you ready to take the next step in your career?

Gemi Aşçılığı Eğitimi

Gemi Aşçılığı Eğitimi, gemi mutfağında çalışacak aşçı adaylarının; denizcilik ve gemi aşçılığı alanında ihtiyaç duyulan bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri kazanması amacıyla düzenlenmektedir. Eğitim, MLC 2006 CONVENTION Title-3 Regulation 3.2 ILO CERTIFICATION OF SHIP’S COOK 1946 No: 68 & 69, STCW 78, SOLAS 74, MARPOL 73/78 ve ilgili ulusal mevzuat (1739 sayılı Millî Eğitim Temel Kanunu, 3308 sayılı Mesleki Eğitim Kanunu, 5580 sayılı Özel Öğretim Kurumları Kanunu vb.) temelinde verilmektedir.

Course Provider: Organization

Course Provider Name: EKOL Denizcilik

Course Provider URL: https://ekoldenizcilik.com.tr/

Course Mode: Onsite

Course Workload: PT40H

Duration: PT5H

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