Our Vision

By reinforcing our national competence in education, our goal is to achieve sustainable success at international standards and to become an educational institution that establishes its training model in the international arena.

“To provide maritime education that meets national and international standards.”

Ekol Denizcilik Binası

Our Mission

By ensuring the continuity of infrastructure, reliability, reputation, and academic work, we aim to train seafarers who possess the professional and communication skills required by the global competitive environment of our time. These individuals should prioritize human values, be disciplined, research-oriented, have a broad outlook, make quick and accurate decisions, and possess leadership and managerial qualities.

Quality Objectives

  • To increase the diversity of our training services, we aim to obtain authorization for at least 4 new training/courses in 2025 in addition to the training/courses for which we already hold authorization.
  • To review all activities affected by the pandemic and eliminate its negative effects as quickly as possible.
  • To achieve 75% capacity utilization of our main training facilities and 75% capacity utilization of our applied training facilities in 2025.
  • To maintain customer satisfaction at over 90% in 2025.
  • To ensure that training aids in simulators and laboratories are always operational.
  • To increase both the duration and quality of English training provided to our students.
  • By the end of 2025, to ensure that 50% of our watchkeeping and engineering officers pass the Foreign Language Exam.
  • To increase the rate at which our graduates choose to continue their professional development training at our institution to over 50%.